The LAS Term Faculty Travel Grants Program is intended for lecturers and senior lecturers in disciplines that have limited opportunities for obtaining external funding to support professional development that is consistent with the expectations of their PRS. Applicants must have at least a 50% appointment and been employed at ISU for at least 2 years (4 semesters). P&S staff with rank only faculty appointments are not eligible. The maximum request for each proposal is $2,000 for domestic travel and $3,500 for foreign travel. Proposals must be limited to one page. The submission needs to be consistent with the applicant’s PRS, which will typically focus on teaching responsibilities. Proposals must be submitted by your department chair. The chair should also agree to provide a 10% cost share. Faculty are only eligible to receive one Term Faculty Travel Grant per fiscal year. Submit applications electronically to Julie Palmer. Reports on grant outcomes are due within 30 days of the end of the fiscal year in which they are used.
Spring LAS Term Faculty Travel Grant Deadline
CATEGORIES: Grant deadlines