Graduate Program Assistant

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Graduate Program Assistant

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NOTE: Staff may have different roles in different departments. Please use the Department “Jump-to” menu above to verify department contacts.

Alphabetical Listing

Click on photo for contact information.

Val Arnold
Michael Boyd
Rachel Burlingame
Angela Clarahan
Rose Cooney
Joan Dodd
Amy Emmett
Amanda Hallman
Danise Jones
Jennifer Kilborn
Lori Krase-Cayton
Nicole Lewis
Sandra Norvell
Emily Randall
Allison Ringholz
Katie Siders
Teresa Smiley
Lori Sulzberger
Kristine Vicker
Aimee Widdowson

Responsibilities within this role include:

  • Initiates graduate appointments
  • Verifies graduate program funding
  • Coordinates graduate student hiring paperwork
  • Communicates with graduate students