Curriculum Committee

Contact Info:

  • LAS Curriculum Committee Chair, Dr.  Charles Kerton
  • Send email correspondence to; this email address will reach Chair Kerton, Associate Dean Slagell, and Stephanie Hamilton.
  • Send hardcopy correspondence and forms to LAS Curriculum Committee, c/o Stephanie Hamilton, 202 Catt Hall.

The Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee typically meets 7-8 times each semester; the Committee does not meet during the summer.

Curriculum Committee Meeting Schedule

Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Meeting Minutes from Prior Years

2023-24, 2022-23, 2021-222020-212019-202018-19, 2017-20182016-2017, 2015-20162014-20152013-2014, 2012-2013

Catalog and Curricula

Given the transition to Workday Student, many of the links below do not currently apply. We will update as university-wide resources become available. The catalog freeze has lifted and editing of the 2024-25 Catalog has begun.

Course-level editing for the 2025-26 Catalog occurred in Workday; the LAS Curriculum Committee deadline for submissions was April 30, 2024.

New experimental course proposals can be submitted via Workday as well. Fall 2025 is the first term for possible offerings.

The Office of the Registrar has a CyBox folder of resources related to Workday curriculum management.

Catalog editing of narratives/requirements/four-year plans will occur in Fall 2024 for the 2025-26 Catalog.

Please reach out to Stephanie Hamilton,, if you have questions or need guidance.

Spring 2024 LAS Curriculum Memo

You may review related memos about the freeze here.

Each member of the LAS Curriculum Committee focuses catalog efforts on a cluster of disciplines: Listing of Cluster Area Responsibilities. These individuals can answer your specific curricular questions.

The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee webpage and the Registrar’s Catalog Editing webpage include important information on the catalog editing process.

Handout for Department Chairs, Fall 2018

General Education

LASCC reviews courses for inclusion on the LAS General Education list. Programs should periodically review their general education offerings. Send requested changes for the 2025-26 Catalog to Requests should include justification for the specified general education area and a course syllabus. Additions can be made at any time; deletions will be timed as appropriate with the release of new catalogs and student course registration.

Experimental Course Proposals

For guaranteed review before registration period, Experimental Course Proposals should be ready for the LASCC by these dates:

Spring Course Offerings – September 30 (After September 30, proposals will be reviewed as time allows, in the order they are received.)

Summer and Fall Course Offerings – February 15  (After February 15, proposals will be reviewed as time allows, in the order they are received.)

Experimental Course Proposals received after the deadline will be reviewed in the order received.

To be placed on the LASCC agenda, an experimental course proposal should be at the stage of LASCC review in Workday Coordinator by 5PM on the Tuesday before a scheduled meeting. Proposals received after this time will be reviewed as time allows on the agenda.

The content below will be updated for Workday. It is not fully accurate as of Spring 2024.

To submit a proposal, visit the CyBox folder created by the Office of the Registrar:

Proposals for dual-listed (undergraduate/graduate) courses require the Graduate College’s dual-list form.

LAS Deadlines for 2025-26 Catalog

Editing Deadline for COURSES (See March 14 memo from the Registrar regarding allowed course edits for the 2025-26 Catalog.) and the ServiceNow link for course editing how-to articles:
Final LAS deadline for submitting course edits: April 30, 2024
All course-level edits are reviewed by LASCC Cluster Area Approvers and the LASCC Chair; the last scheduled LASCC meeting for Spring 2024 will be May 3, 2024.

Registrar’s (not yet updated for Workday) webpage on Catalog and Course Editing:—course-editing–yearly-

Please note: If your department/program wants to include minimum grade requirements for a pre-requisite, specific course, or set of courses, approval is needed from LAS Academic Standards and Admissions Committee and Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. (Contact Stephanie Hamilton,, for guidance on the process.)

Editing for NARRATIVE PORTIONS (e.g. mastheads, 4-year plans, program descriptions, etc.):
Final LAS deadline for submitting narrative edits: The deadline is typically November 1; the upcoming deadline for the 2025-26 Catalog is TBD.

Also, please note minimum grade requirements above.

LAS College-wide Communication Proficiency Foundation Grade Requirement